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I 7 segni zodiacali con un cuore di pietra

I 7 segni zodiacali con un cuore di pietra

In the zodiac, there are twelve familiar astrological signs. The thirteenth (Serpentarius or Ophiuchus) has fallen by the wayside!

Among these signs, there are those we consider kind, gentle and sympathetic. Then there are those who can be described as cold and distant.

Yet when you meet them, these people always seem pleasant. Indeed, at first, they have all the makings of the ideal friend.

But because they don’t let their guard down easily, they sometimes seem haughty. Because of the pain and disappointment of their past, they find it hard to trust.

As a result, people who meet natives of these 7 signs tend to describe them as heartless and completely closed to others.

So who are these 7 signs? And why do they always seem so distant?

7. Aries

(21.03 – 20.04)

Extremely honest and optimistic, people born under the sign of Aries are generally perceived as kind. At least, at first!

In fact, the more you get to know the natives of this zodiac sign, the more you realize that their honesty is counterproductive.

It’s more brutal than anything else. What’s more, they’re quick to react, which doesn’t really fit in with their other characteristics. That’s why these people come across as very reserved.

6. Taurus

(21.04 – 20.05)

All people born under the sign of Taurus are known for two things: reliability and patience.

In short, everyone close to them can count on them, because they’re always there when others need help.

However, natives of this zodiac sign also have an intransigent and stubborn nature. So, over time, people realize that they’re actually cold and distant.

5. Leo

(23.07 – 23.08)

When you think of a lion, what’s the first image that comes to mind? Yes, I know… Yet, at first glance, people born under this zodiac sign always come across as harmless, gentle and adorable kittens.

In fact, people generally think of them as cheerful and generous. But they have two big flaws: arrogance and stubbornness.

And it’s these two traits that eventually betray them. Little by little, they let their true nature surface, and you discover that they are cold and aloof with people.

4. Virgo

(23.08 – 22.09)

Virgo natives are known for their loyalty and kindness. This makes them seem very warm-hearted.

However, these people have a cold soul and a heart of stone. In fact, they tend to exaggerate their “kindness” so that no one realizes their true character.

What’s more, they’re known for their critical thinking and pursuit of practicality, which easily turns people off.

3. Scorpio

(23.10 – 22.11)

When you meet someone born under the sign of Scorpio, you think you’ve found a friend for life.

However, as you get to know them better, you discover new aspects of their personality that completely turn you off.

At first, he/she charms others with his/her calm demeanor and ability to express emotions, which is quite intoxicating.

Later, people notice that the emotions he/she expresses are generally negative, and his/her tendency to become violent surfaces.

2. Sagittarius

(23.11 – 21.12)

People born under the sign of Sagittarius are hilarious! They have a great sense of humor, which appeals to people who find them likeable.

So initially, they’re able to give a very positive image of themselves. But at some point, they can’t hide any longer.

It’s when you get to know them that you realize they tend to be a little impatient and say things tactlessly.

1. Aquarius

(21.01 – 19.02)

At first glance, people born under the sign of Aquarius seem friendly, as they’re able to adapt to any social environment and they know how to express themselves well.

However, it’s their temperament and inability to compromise that make them heartless. These people have a habit of running away from the deepest emotions, giving everyone the feeling that they don’t care.

How do you deal with this kind of situation? What can you do about it? Well, not much! All you can do is keep in mind that people aren’t always what they seem.

At first, everyone wants to make a good impression, which makes it all the more important to bear in mind that there are other hidden traits that people possess that can make them seem cold or distant.

There’s no point getting angry or arguing with these people. It’s best not to take it personally.

It has nothing to do with you. It’s just the way they operate. By being cold and aloof, they protect themselves against possible injury.

After all, no one becomes this way without having already suffered a great deal! So keep that in mind!